Daughters of Olympus

What comes of the girl

                    the womanchild

when her birth

                    her life


                                        to the father?


Will wearing an aegis

                    a fringed goatskin

                    hung with the head

                              of the goddess


                    serpents coiling down

                    dead eyes grey

will wearing his aegis

                                            help her?


Will walking the wild woods

                    feet clad in sandals

                    thighs whipped by the short skirt

                    shoulder bearing the bow

                              and fine quiver

will walking the wild woods

                                            free her?


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"I wrote my first poem at 14, to struggle with a loss...
It's been a way of working through crises ever since.
But it's also become a way of celebrating moments (hence my love of haiku),
and exploring our intense feelings.
I haven't sought to publish my poetry since
I was in my early 20s... Now, I simply want to make it
available to whomever it was given me for."