
About to go over

the waterfall


into no man's land

    not letting mother

    rescue, not making


    for my children



nursing the wound


into no man's land

    letting the father

    die, visiting

    my children

    to say


I am always with you

You can call on me


You can do it yourself


taking with me

my own broken infant

into no man's land

    telling him


We are

    together now

inside my

    second life



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"I wrote my first poem at 14, to struggle with a loss...
It's been a way of working through crises ever since.
But it's also become a way of celebrating moments (hence my love of haiku),
and exploring our intense feelings.
I haven't sought to publish my poetry since
I was in my early 20s... Now, I simply want to make it
available to whomever it was given me for."