Grace at Mealtime

In the presence of mine enemies

why is this table prepared?

To gather me to my enemies

my enemies to me:


to feed us, give us drink,

invite us each to speak,

to dance, to cry,

to call for justice, hearing,


healing. O thou preparest

the great wheel, the table round,

the rose window at the bottom


of my heart, through which you shine,

O sweet soul's broken, fiery light


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"I wrote my first poem at 14, to struggle with a loss...
It's been a way of working through crises ever since.
But it's also become a way of celebrating moments (hence my love of haiku),
and exploring our intense feelings.
I haven't sought to publish my poetry since
I was in my early 20s... Now, I simply want to make it
available to whomever it was given me for."